# First step is always import the necessary packages
import pymysql
With SQL, just as with Mongo, we need to first create a connection to our database. Through this connection we can retreive database meta data, but can also instantiate a curosr.
import pymysql.cursors
# Connect to the database
connection = pymysql.connect(host='gwumysql-restore.cazdwdlcg6dm.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
#From our connection we need a cursor, which acts as our interface into the database
cur = connection.cursor()
SQL cursor objects have a basic functional loop:
NOTE: This is a different functional loop from Mongo's cursor loop
#From a cursor we can execute SQL directly
res = cur.execute("Select * From users LIMIT 5")
print(f"The number of rows returned: {res}") #the output from execute() will be the number of records returned
The number of rows returned: 5
Now we can fetch the results (fetchall() will return all records):
users = cur.fetchall()
for user in users:
print(user) # We can now take a look at what was returned
(datetime.date(2018, 5, 25), "creator of knowyourmeme's meme of the day 15th november 2019 - @AetherionArt did the avatar & @macagilart did the header", 18739, 1188, '1000026776872144897', 21, None, 'fooly', 'mashcore4mums', 20970, None, None)
res = cur.execute("Select * From users LIMIT 5")
for user in users:
(datetime.date(2018, 5, 25), "creator of knowyourmeme's meme of the day 15th november 2019 - @AetherionArt did the avatar & @macagilart did the header", 18739, 1188, '1000026776872144897', 21, None, 'fooly', 'mashcore4mums', 20970, None, None)
Each execute() refreshes the information stored in the cursor, meaning we can continously query the database.
Here we see that by calling fetchone() rather than fetchall() we won't get a list, but rather directly access the top tuple
cur.execute("Select * From users")
data = cur.fetchone()
(datetime.date(2018, 5, 25), "creator of knowyourmeme's meme of the day 15th november 2019 - @AetherionArt did the avatar & @macagilart did the header", 18739, 1188, '1000026776872144897', 21, None, 'fooly', 'mashcore4mums', 20970, None, None)
cur.execute("Select * From users")
data = cur.fetchall()
We can define types of cursors when connecting to a database, which alters the format of the returned data
connection = pymysql.connect(host='gwumysql-restore.cazdwdlcg6dm.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) # This is the significant line!
cur = connection.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 1;")
{'created_date': datetime.date(2018, 5, 25), 'description': "creator of knowyourmeme's meme of the day 15th november 2019 - @AetherionArt did the avatar & @macagilart did the header", 'favorites_count': 18739, 'friends_count': 1188, 'user_id': '1000026776872144897', 'listed_count': 21, 'location': None, 'name': 'fooly', 'screen_name': 'mashcore4mums', 'statuses_count': 20970, 'url': None, 'verified': None}
Create a connection to the EMSE6992 database and run a query to determine how many users have tweeted more than 1,000 times, using the statuses table:
Expected Result: 8 users
# Space for work
How Could we implement this in Mongo?
Given that both SQL and Dataframes both work with tabular data, it makes these two technologies easily integratable.
import pandas as pd
res = cur.execute("Select * From users LIMIT 100")
users = cur.fetchall()
Since the cursor returns a list of dictionaries, we are setup to dump the data into a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(users)
created_date | description | favorites_count | friends_count | user_id | listed_count | location | name | screen_name | statuses_count | url | verified | |
0 | 2018-05-25 | creator of knowyourmeme's meme of the day 15th... | 18739.0 | 1188.0 | 1000026776872144897 | 21.0 | None | fooly | mashcore4mums | 20970 | None | NaN |
1 | 2018-05-25 | -_- | 5281.0 | 120.0 | 1000073751457824768 | NaN | uncomfortable | Cas | Amai_Neo | 1260 | None | NaN |
2 | 2018-05-25 | Lifelong learner. \n\nD2C brands + iOS & Shopi... | 4240.0 | 385.0 | 1000084374468128768 | 10.0 | Earth | Max Grev | max_grev | 855 | https://t.co/J7KuZFVRRI | NaN |
3 | 2009-12-28 | Be an encourager. The World has plenty of crit... | 4566.0 | 477.0 | 100009243 | 1.0 | Leicester, England | Aakash Jabbar | mangianees | 3816 | https://t.co/Afy69InVdg | NaN |
4 | 2009-12-28 | Culture Writer | I Get It In Ohio - Just using... | 106836.0 | 2069.0 | 100009746 | 26.0 | Columbus, OH | Stimmy Lovato | MikeishaDache | 178768 | https://t.co/IILZF0YLqw | NaN |
This obviously allows us to work with the data with a more robust API
df.drop('verified', axis=1, inplace=True)
favorites_count friends_count listed_count statuses_count created_date 2007-11-06 947.000000 420.000000 21112.000000 363488.000000 2009-12-28 30468.818182 607.545455 243.222222 41672.636364 2009-12-29 3275.250000 1223.750000 513.750000 72326.000000 2012-12-09 22373.500000 723.000000 NaN 6708.000000 2012-12-10 18302.000000 744.666667 20.714286 12219.666667 2018-05-25 10281.000000 461.250000 11.666667 6263.250000 2018-05-26 33416.266667 946.400000 29.666667 10082.000000 2018-05-27 20586.333333 230.555556 7.200000 18210.333333 2018-05-28 20539.866667 1392.200000 33.545455 9590.800000 2018-05-29 33173.933333 577.200000 28.545455 14812.666667 2018-05-30 20223.615385 541.538462 44.777778 12599.230769 2018-05-31 36709.000000 1259.000000 45.000000 30776.000000
By passing a connection object into pandas' read_sql(query, conn) we can create DataFrame's directly from a query.
conn = pymysql.connect(host='gwumysql-restore.cazdwdlcg6dm.us-east-2.rds.amazonaws.com',
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT users.screen_name, users.user_id, users.favorites_count FROM users JOIN statuses On users.user_id = statuses.user_id limit 10", conn)
screen_name | user_id | favorites_count | |
0 | mashcore4mums | 1000026776872144897 | 18739 |
1 | mashcore4mums | 1000026776872144897 | 18739 |
2 | mashcore4mums | 1000026776872144897 | 18739 |
3 | mashcore4mums | 1000026776872144897 | 18739 |
4 | Amai_Neo | 1000073751457824768 | 5281 |
5 | Amai_Neo | 1000073751457824768 | 5281 |
6 | max_grev | 1000084374468128768 | 4240 |
7 | mangianees | 100009243 | 4566 |
8 | MikeishaDache | 100009746 | 106836 |
9 | MikeishaDache | 100009746 | 106836 |
Using a SQL query, populate a dataframe with the total number of statuses made per location. Using the dataframe, create a histogram and bar plot. Limit your results to the top 25 results.
Note: location is a user field
Hint: Dataframes have a Dataframe.plot.bar()
and a Dataframe.plot.hist()
method built into them.
# Space for work
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df_class = pd.read_sql("""
SELECT location, count(*) as num FROM statuses
On users.user_id = statuses.user_id
GROUP BY location
""", conn)
df_class['location'] = df_class['location'].astype('str')
df_class[1:25].plot.bar(x='location', y='num')
Whenever executing a query that will alter the information in a database (creating/removing/altering tables/records) we need to commit those changes
query = "INSERT INTO statuses (list of cols) VALUES (place for values)"
# NOTE: We commit using the connection!
Insert yourself as a movie into the movies table
Note: You must include a title and year*
# Space for work
cur =
This is more a consideration for developing applications, but an important principal of working with databases is sanitization
title = "Robert'); Drop Table movie_data;"
{cursor_object}.execute(f"INSERT INTO movie_data (title, year) VALUES ({name}, '2020')")